Friday 16 January 2015

New years resolutions!

I have a love/hate relationship with New Years resolutions because like most of us, I tend to set myself unrealistic targets! I guess this post is more just to let you know what my resolutions are, so here are my top 5:

1. To have more of a positive outlook - as the saying goes positive thinking leads to a positive outcome!
2. Write more blogs! At present I have to apologise for my lack of writing my aim is to try and write one every week.
3. Start a VLOG on Youtube, I've been meaning to do this for the last 6 months!
4. Participate in another charity run of some sort, maybe another half marathon!?
5. Eat more healthily (this one is on my list every year!) however I would like to share healthy meals I make with you!

So keep your eyes peeled! and feel free to share what yours are with me :) 

Here's to prosperous and positive 2015 x

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