Monday 27 October 2014

Glowing summer skin, yes please!

Sienna XSienna X Express Tanning Mist - £15.95 –

I recently used the tanning mist, Even though I am a massive fan of Sienna x’s gradual glowing self tan, I fancied a change, I like to mix things up every now and then!
Having exfoliated the day before to make sure I had smooth skin to apply, I showered to remove any oils and applied my tan, being sure to shake it thoroughly before (as recommended on the directions). I decided to start with my arms first, keeping the can about 15cm away from my skin. I used gliding motions to apply remembering to lift my arm upright to make sure I wasn’t left with any white patches. I decided to use three strokes for my face, one down the centre and then turned each way to ensure I had an even coverage on the sides - this is how I was trained as a beauty therapist to do spray tan treatments! For the neck I criss-crossed over and then applied to my chest and legs. I have to admit I struggled with the backs of the legs slightly as I’m not the most flexible person, but I managed by using the toilet seat as a stand! To allow the tan to develop over the desired 6-8 hours, I slept in it making sure I wore nice baggy PJ’s to prevent any white marks.
What I loved about using the product, is that despite the fact that I applied three coats, I wasn’t left feeling sticky as I’ve found with so many other tanning products I’ve used in the past. The real test was to wake up and have the perfect tan. After sleeping in the product, I woke up in the morning and washed the remaining tan off and was left with a beautiful summer glow and no orange hands, hooray! Only problem now is I’m torn between the gradual glowing self tan and the express tanning mist, maybe I’ll have to alternate!

Verdict: I love the express tanning mist, If you’re looking for a home-use tan that doesn’t leave you feeling sticky and leaves you with glowing skin, then look no further this is the product for you! I can safely say that as the tan starts to come off you are not left with scaly skin!

Hope you found my review helpful J x

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