I found the bags and tags on Etsy and ordered them through Ana at Burlap and Butter, who might I add has the best customer service, she has been so helpful. All the tags were custom made in my colour scheme and have personalised print on at no extra cost, plus the delivery was super speedy. I would highly recommend if you're looking for cute vintage esq paper bags, however it's best to think about what you're going to put in them first! As admittedly I went full steam ahead and didn't consider what I would need to put in them to pad them out! However after searching around I decided to go with sweets and some heart bubbles! Best places to look if your ordering in large quantities is either Amazon or eBay I managed to get all my favours including the bags for £100 (that's for 100 guests). Be warned it's so easy to get carried away and overspend, my advice is to set a budget before of what you want to spend and stick to it!
If you want any help feel free to contact me x